Sports in 60
This is one of my Sports in 60 updates. It’s pretty self explanatory. For 60 seconds, I talk about what is going on in the sports world at that time. I do these updates every Wednesday morning, so I will end up covering sporting events going later that day, and also highlight what happened the night before.
The main goal is to let our viewers know what Gator sports are taking that place. Since our viewing audience is mostly North-Central Florida, the Gators mean a lot to the people who view the show. In this installment of Sports in 60, I talk about Gator Volleyball and the MLB wildcard races.
However we cover more than just the University of Florida. We also cover most professional teams in Florida, as well as covering breaking news.
I have a plethora of news stories that I have worked on and published videos of, but my passion is sports. I plan on being apart of the sports media after graduation, so I want to focus all of my time this semester perfecting my craft. It’s very important to be well rounded in anything people do, so being able to do both sports and news should help me find work in many different markets.
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